Monday, February 6, 2012

Sponge gradient tutorial!

Have you ever wondered about gradients on your nails? How to get it to fade without using an airbrush?
I want to show you my way of doing it...don't worry, it's very easy!

What you need:
1.Polishes for want to use (preferably some should be jellies)
2.A makeup sponge

Here are the polishes I am using:

I start with 2 coats of the base color (a sheer pink jelly in my case)

I brush on 2 coats of a peach color(slightly different in color from the base color, preferably a jelly)

I apply a dab of polish to the makeup sponge

Then I start fading the color in from the tip. Protip: do the sponge for each color 1-2 times, but wait for it to dry between spongings, as it may pick up and muddy the existing color)

I keep applying redder and redder colors (a little rough looking, eh? Don't worry)

As the end, apply topcoat, which magically smooths the gradient! Voila!
I overdid it a little by using another color not shown (OPI Guy Meets Gal-veston) but I still like the way they came out. 

And there you have it! Easy gradient nails. I really like this method with darker colors, as they are a little more forgiving with the fading, but for the purpose of the tutorial, these came out reasonable.What do you think? Have you ever tried doing a gradient before? What's your method?


  1. Ooooh, cool. Flaming nails! Haha. Very pretty & awesome tutorial <3

  2. you really have an eye for color! i always love the combos you pick out (:

  3. Gradients are one of my favs!!! Great tutorial!!!

  4. I love glitter gradients, thank you for this tutorial, I never though of doing one with a jelly, it'll try that next... OR a jelly sandwich gradient. I just blew my own mind.

    1. Glad you like it! Yes, gradients are fun...Jelly SANDWICH gradient?! I WANT TO SEE. Blow my mind too please?



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